Sunday, October 21, 2012

The day I jumped off local train

"Aaj Date Kya hai  ( Whats the date today ) ?? - along with more and more crying"
This was the question, i dunno how many times I had asked my friends, family and maybe even the doctor on 22nd October, 2011.
Many friends still ask me if I remember what had happened that day,.. which I still dunno as I can't recall about it no matter how hard I try.
So, those who don't have any idea about what happened and what I am talking about, this is how the story goes :
It was a fine Saturday morning and I had not slept n maybe eaten properly the other night and went to 'The Chopra's Consultancy) ' early in the morning to submit documents for M.Sc. in the United Kingdom. I do remember that I had breakfast in the morning  took local train to the Egmore Station and then took an auto-rickshaw to The Chopra's. I submitted the documents to another lady in charge as the lady allotted to me was not there and then I came out, called my mom n told her I am going back home.
Like a typical caring mom, she said me to eat something as I had not eaten lunch and as a very common reply of mine, I assured her saying" Yes mom, I will have it in college". I remember talking to her over phone while being in an auto-rickshaw going back to Egmore Station as I had to take local train back to my college.
After that...
I have no idea when I got down of the auto-rickshaw, when I took the tickets, when I got into the local train.
All i remember is jumping of local train.
Yeah, u read it right. Actually, what happened was the local train had reached Potheri Station, where I had to get down and I had overslept in the train. It was more than an hour journey. When I woke up , I realized the station had come and train had already started moving and had taken a little pace. Little did I think, as maybe I was in sleep and I jumped.
Well, of course I remember landing flat on ground and then I was unconscious. I came to senses few mins later when I noticed some junior students of my college holding me up and taking me to the auto-rickshaw which would take me to the hospital and they were asking me whom should they call and inform about this.
Then I don't remember anything.
I just woke up next day and found myself in bed in my very own hostel with stitches on my head and hand and bruises on my shoulder and then my room mate and friends started filling me in with every details about how mad I went in the hospital asking " What is today's date" again n again. I couldn't recollect anything. I had really lost memory of lots of things. (Kinda scary).
I had scared off my parents who took the first train n flight to Chennai and my sister came running too. No matter how much I do, I still wont be ever able to thank so many of my friends and my family for taking so much care of me. I love you and miss you all so much.
The news spread like fire into everyone's ear and it was a hot topic in the college. :D
Its a bad memory. Got too many learning things - never to leave home empty stomach, always have your ipod with you to keep you wide awake whenever you are in local train.
and Never ever think of jumping off a local train. Get down at next stop. Because later it hurts pretty bad.
... and the stitches leaves marks which keep u reminding this day ~ 22nd Oct.


  1. and most important only good happens to good people like you... as god is always watching over us.. god bless you.

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