Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Realm Of Empires

This is a game worth playing. I have been playing this game since three years. It is a strategy game. You build your village, join a clan, make alliances, attack your neighboring enemies and grow. If you have liked playing Rise of Nations, Age of Empires, etc. you will surely like this game.
You start with a small village with the basic levels of Head quarter, Silver Mine, Treasury and Farm. You get to choose your player name and your village name yourself. The Tutorial teaches you all the basic game play you need to know. 
A built up village of Realm Of Empire
Start Up VillageWhen you start the realm, you village overview looks like as shown below. When you keep upgrading your Head Quarter, Silver Mine, Farm, Walls, Towers, Trading posts,Tavern, Stables, Barracks and Palace, your fully upgraded villages looks as shown on the right. We upgrade them to have more silver and also recruit troops faster. Your first Aim should be upgrading your Silver mine to around 32 level with HQ at level 15. Then you should focus on making troops from Barracks, Stables and Siege Workshop. 

 When you visit your map to check on neighboring villages, you shall have neighbors who will be players from around the map. You shall start with same size alongside them. You will have rebel villages and abandoned villages around you for farming and fast growing. However, you should focus on bringing down a big player in your neighboring area to save yourself from any threat later in the game play. Proper planning with good diplomatic skills will help you a lot in your growth in your area. 

The two map shown gives an idea on how your map will look when you start and then with time after weeks and months, how your map will look. White color is used to represent your villages, Green will be the your clan mates, Blue shields will be your allies and Reds shall be enemies. Yellow is used for Non Aggression Pact.
You can always check your stats as well as your clan stats in your area as well as over all in the realm.
So, I would surely recommend you to get your hands off FarmVille and any other Ville. Rule the world and the play the best strategy game ever made on Facebook.
Dont wait.. Start now ! !  Click on this link :

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Say "Shame Shame Poppy Shame"

Isnt that a better sentence than to bring out a Rs.0 note ? I mean .. what the difference ? Infact, u could make the corrupt go ROFL at you :D
Well, I guess the below picture explains the whole of my post. I wonder how much successful it will be, making people ashamed of their act.
The people who got lucky with that note should keep in mind that many of the Indians dont know about this note. They might have got scared looking at the note and wud hav fasten up geting u ur documents or ur baggage. 
Remember one thing, people who are doing this stuff, they know its not right and still they do. So, just by showing a note, u cant change a thing.
Well, I know  time will tell whether its a success or not. Looking forward to hold one in my hand and try :D lol

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Ohh.. Well, I meant finally Osama Dies ;) There is not much difference in their names. :D
 Last week, when I got the news about his death, I couldnt believe that he was really dead. Being not a big fan of The United States of America, I hardly believed Obama's words that his men have killed the wanted terrorist. I thought Osama was making up a story as the elections are near :D
But NO.. After reading the info released by the Al -Qaeda about them loosing their leader, Osama deserves an acknowledgement. Well, Thank you Obama. And to those army men who killed him.
Atleast now ur government should stop sending money to Pakistan. In the last decade , u have nearly spent 20Billion Dollars, both fr their economy and Military. I guess you shall understand now where this money went to.
It was strange to see so many supporters of Osama. He was a King among his followers. Wonder why he didnt allow his children to follow his legacy. Maybe he knew the path he lead wasnt correct. 
One more thing, USA should believe when India says anything about terrorists residing in Pakistan. Even though India likes to keep the terrorists ALIVE, ( ROFL ), they do say correct locations about the presence of the terrorists in Pakistan.

(Note: Sorry for hurting any of you who didnt like my post, but those r my feelings. Do share ur thoughts ) 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

What should i say ! The Cup is back home after 28 years. The happiness that the Indian Team has given to each of its supporter cannot be measured. Leaving aside , denying all the speculations that surrounded India's win in this World Cup, the team proved their strength and passion to lift the World Cup. Cheers to the team. Its Diwali time again. ;) Proud to be an Indian.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I am a Sudha Murthy fan. So when I saw this interesting title bearing her name, I had to give it a go-through. The title Mahashweta was curious, conservative and non-revealing. The dedication at the beginning of the book gave a glimpse: "To all those women in our country who suppress their emotions and suffer silently because they have leukoderma. May they be imbued with hope and courage." And what a read it was! Having gone through the 150 pages, one realises that it has all the ingredients to make the reader richer.

Anupama, coming from a very poor family, is an extremely talented stage performer, educated and blessed with extraordinary beauty. A very rich and successful doctor Anand falls in love with her and they get married. Everything goes on like a love story until Anupama discovers a white spot on her leg. She was suffering from a skin disorder called leukoderma where skin loses colour and becomes white. Though it is curable but not all cases can be cured with surety. Her mother-in-law sends her back to her village, after accusing her of betrayal of trust and lots of curse and insults. The uneducated village thought that the skin disorder was a curse from God, . Her husband was abroad and chose to remain silent and leave her aloof with her curse. She writes letters to him and he never replies and then she hears about his plans to remarry. And this was the same man who had followed in love with her and married her despite opposition. At one stage, with the stigma and personal life becoming unbearable, she goes to the commit suicide.

The next part of the story is one of inspiring portrayal of strength, courage and resilience. She goes to live in Bombay with a female friend and finds a job. In a city like Bombay where no one cares for her skin colour or her past, she leads a life of self respect. Though she gets to see the negative face of the city too. Later on she gets a good friend in Dr. Vasant and meets some very nice people when she becomes a Sanskrit teacher in a local college. After a turn of events, her husband who had left her to perish alone, realises her worth and comes to her asking for an excuse for his mistake. Does she play all merciful Devi and grant him pardon? At this point, Sudha Murthy presents a very different twist. She sends him back and alone. Again, her noble friend Dr. Vasant proposes to marry her. Did she agree and sacrifice herself again on a man's love and desires? No doubt, Mahashweta is a story of great courage and character

The language is simple and flow enjoyable. A very good read for anyone to enjoy light fiction with a good message.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Everyday I talk to you

Everyday I talk to you, I feel I am getting closer to you,
I don't know what this feeling is, but I think I like you.
Whenever I think of you, I wish things were as I wished, 
Will you be with me? I think it won't come true.

Everyday I talk to you, you bring a smile to my face,
I try to express myself, but I wonder if its correct.
I don't wanna hurry it, I don't wanna do the mistake again,
But I am scared, what if you will not wait !!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just like Heaven

Yes.. I was in a place on 8th march that made me feel i was in heaven. Reason?? I was attending the happiest day of my sisters life. :)
Looking pretty and beautiful like a princess it was the day she got married to a man worthy to be a prince, handsome and smart.. making them looking a perfect match.

Wishing you lotts of happiness with jijjuuu. Keep smiling. Love you both. <3

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine Day

Well, just 9 to 10 mins left for the Love Day to get over. So, wishes to everyone. I hope you had a great day with your loved ones.
Wishes to my grandpa n grannie on their anniversary. Love you lotts.
Well, my another Valentine Day goes alone. Hope to have one soon in few years? ahem .. ;) I know u r there waiting for me too. :D <3

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Dal Scam

After Raja making the thousand crores in 2G spectrum scam, its time for Pramila Mallick having made only 100 crores in Dal scam in comparision to Raja. Strange !! She didnt learn nicely from Raja.
The suppliers allegedly procured low quality dal at Rs25-30 a kg from outside the state, and then sold it to schools and anganwadi centres at the rate set by the state government, Rs75 per kg, making a profit of Rs45-50 on every kilogram.
She says she is a victim of conspiracy .. Well, so Raja is .. and yeah.. how can we forget Kalmadi.. :D He is one among them too. 
Cheers to our leaders. Keep up the good work. Because of you we are moving up in the rankings of Worlds corrupted nations. We are now at 87 :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Ok. Let me get this clear first. It’s not related to farmville, cityville or any other ville. 
It is about the soap which recently I started watching when I should have been busy preparing for my upcoming GRE exam!! 
Anyways, the reason behind writing on this topic is I am kinda confused on what they are trying to show. Even though I am loving it; but it appears as if Superman was the reason behind all the problems in Smallville.
Well to cut the long story short, Superman came from Krypton to Earth in 1989, ( when I was also born ) :P and during that time many people died or got affected by the meteors that did fall on the city of smallville along with the spaceship in which the Superman came. People who got affected became “evil” but don’t worry .. Superman is here.. !!! ^^Pam para para^^ 
But the point is I feel him to be responsible for all the problems. Had he not come to Earth, there would have been any problems. But still, there is something fishy about Lex Luther. Right now both are friends. K
The soap is good. Do watch . There are 10 seasons. I am in 1st season now though. I hope I like it more. Superman you are my hero still .. I hope u propose Lauhna soon in upcoming episodes. If u don’t, screw you dude, I will :P
Till then, back to studies. I am really scared.J

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Don't Go.

I tried to be a good brother, of keeping you happy forever.
But I couldn’t keep the Rakhi promise; I wish I had the power. 
You shared with me your problems, which you never had shared with anyone
I tried to console u “Are Choti don’t worry”, but now I feel “m I too losing the hope?”
The news you gave me today, is the most bad news I would have ever heard
I know why you didn’t tell me before, you never wanted to make me hurt.
I don’t know what will happen to me, when u will be gone from here,
I will miss you like hell; and I am lacking words to share.
I owe you soooo much Chota; I don’t know how to pay
I want you keep smiling, forever I shall pray.
I am not a good poet, yet I am trying to become one,
I hope I bring a smile to your face, from today till forever.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Egg fight

The egg and the Chick.
Well, this may sound a bit different, but yes. I had an egg fight with my sister. It is not that we threw eggs at each other, it all started 2 days back when I wanted to eat a bread omelette sandwich and  she was telling me constantly that by eating an omelette I was killing an unborn chick. Err, I meant the chicken’s baby chick.

So, yesterday I thought to search about it. After searching through a lot of websites about the truth, I was unable to find the proper explanation and whenever I got any detail, I was losing the fight and a treat !! After few more clicks and references, i finally found the truth. So, the explanation goes like this:

  • First of all we should know the difference between fertilized and unfertilized eggs. Fertilized eggs are those that involve roosters and vice versa for the unfertilized ones.  
  • Hens lay eggs according to light patterns. One egg every day.  
  • They do not need a rooster to lay an egg. 
  • If a rooster does mate with a hen, the eggs she produces are fertilized and, can bear chicks.
  • No rooster means zero possibility of the egg ever becoming anything more than that.  
  • Most hens that lay grocery store eggs have never seen a rooster. 
  • Chickens lay 1 egg every 24 hours. 
  • NO chicken is being killed when we eat an egg. 
So, to everyone who are confused if they are killing a animal or not because you are not. I don’t know whether egg can be classified as a veggie or not as it doesn’t involve killing and there are lots of theories which I won’t be getting into.  Just try not to eat anything that involves killing of an animal. And just to mention, I won the fight ( hopefully ). 
Special thanks to a chef who helped me over this topic.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stray Dogs

 “Bhow Bhow”, said my little female dog when she saw me after five months, wagging her tale in a great speed. She was just 6 months old when she had last seen me. I asked her, “ Hmm.. kya hua, pyari butru” and she replied something and tried to jump upon me. I don’t know what she replied but i know she remembered me and was a lot happy to see me.
In India, there is always one thing that hates me: People tend to love the puppies that roam near their house, give them biscuits, milk but when the same dogs grow up, people throw stones at them and try to “shoo” them away. But when they have babies, people show love again. Still, not on the grown up dogs, but on their babies.
Maybe the reason for this is that puppies look cute, neat and healthy whereas the elder ones are dirty, bony and scary.
I am not here to say that we should go and help each and every dog in the locality, even if he seems to have got a very bad smell with some disease. No, I would say leave them. They are difficult to be healed and taken care of. Because what happens is when people tend to go n feed them, some get scared as they have been hated always by the people and in their own protection, they bite us and then we go n shout loud in locality that “Hai Raam, pagal kutta kaat dia” and see that it gets killed. And everyone in the locality starts to hate each and every stray dog.
What I say is just do whatever you can. Start with few biscuits or bread pieces. Also, giving out 2 pieces of chapatti everyday won’t cost you fortune. But when you do, just see the happiness in their face, ohh I mean their tail. It is not necessary to go and feed each and every dog in your locality. Just feed one and tell others to feed someone else.
People go and buy dogs and take care of them by spending fortunes on them. And yet care nothing for the stray dogs. Why such a discrimination among dogs? (sounds funny though but its true)
If you will show some love on stray dogs, they will shower more love upon you. Just try once.

Expressing Thoughts

Expressing thoughts, is something that is good for us, it releases out what is inside of us. That is why writing is so essential to us, to express our thought, vent out and say what's on our minds. Many of us keep our feelings bottled up inside and when we do that we want to explode. So it is easy to let it out in words, to say what we feel in our heart. When we let it out then it is so much easier to express ourselves. So, I am here to share few thoughts. !! Hope you like it.