Saturday, January 29, 2011


Ok. Let me get this clear first. It’s not related to farmville, cityville or any other ville. 
It is about the soap which recently I started watching when I should have been busy preparing for my upcoming GRE exam!! 
Anyways, the reason behind writing on this topic is I am kinda confused on what they are trying to show. Even though I am loving it; but it appears as if Superman was the reason behind all the problems in Smallville.
Well to cut the long story short, Superman came from Krypton to Earth in 1989, ( when I was also born ) :P and during that time many people died or got affected by the meteors that did fall on the city of smallville along with the spaceship in which the Superman came. People who got affected became “evil” but don’t worry .. Superman is here.. !!! ^^Pam para para^^ 
But the point is I feel him to be responsible for all the problems. Had he not come to Earth, there would have been any problems. But still, there is something fishy about Lex Luther. Right now both are friends. K
The soap is good. Do watch . There are 10 seasons. I am in 1st season now though. I hope I like it more. Superman you are my hero still .. I hope u propose Lauhna soon in upcoming episodes. If u don’t, screw you dude, I will :P
Till then, back to studies. I am really scared.J

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