Sunday, October 21, 2012

The day I jumped off local train

"Aaj Date Kya hai  ( Whats the date today ) ?? - along with more and more crying"
This was the question, i dunno how many times I had asked my friends, family and maybe even the doctor on 22nd October, 2011.
Many friends still ask me if I remember what had happened that day,.. which I still dunno as I can't recall about it no matter how hard I try.
So, those who don't have any idea about what happened and what I am talking about, this is how the story goes :
It was a fine Saturday morning and I had not slept n maybe eaten properly the other night and went to 'The Chopra's Consultancy) ' early in the morning to submit documents for M.Sc. in the United Kingdom. I do remember that I had breakfast in the morning  took local train to the Egmore Station and then took an auto-rickshaw to The Chopra's. I submitted the documents to another lady in charge as the lady allotted to me was not there and then I came out, called my mom n told her I am going back home.
Like a typical caring mom, she said me to eat something as I had not eaten lunch and as a very common reply of mine, I assured her saying" Yes mom, I will have it in college". I remember talking to her over phone while being in an auto-rickshaw going back to Egmore Station as I had to take local train back to my college.
After that...
I have no idea when I got down of the auto-rickshaw, when I took the tickets, when I got into the local train.
All i remember is jumping of local train.
Yeah, u read it right. Actually, what happened was the local train had reached Potheri Station, where I had to get down and I had overslept in the train. It was more than an hour journey. When I woke up , I realized the station had come and train had already started moving and had taken a little pace. Little did I think, as maybe I was in sleep and I jumped.
Well, of course I remember landing flat on ground and then I was unconscious. I came to senses few mins later when I noticed some junior students of my college holding me up and taking me to the auto-rickshaw which would take me to the hospital and they were asking me whom should they call and inform about this.
Then I don't remember anything.
I just woke up next day and found myself in bed in my very own hostel with stitches on my head and hand and bruises on my shoulder and then my room mate and friends started filling me in with every details about how mad I went in the hospital asking " What is today's date" again n again. I couldn't recollect anything. I had really lost memory of lots of things. (Kinda scary).
I had scared off my parents who took the first train n flight to Chennai and my sister came running too. No matter how much I do, I still wont be ever able to thank so many of my friends and my family for taking so much care of me. I love you and miss you all so much.
The news spread like fire into everyone's ear and it was a hot topic in the college. :D
Its a bad memory. Got too many learning things - never to leave home empty stomach, always have your ipod with you to keep you wide awake whenever you are in local train.
and Never ever think of jumping off a local train. Get down at next stop. Because later it hurts pretty bad.
... and the stitches leaves marks which keep u reminding this day ~ 22nd Oct.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ten days at Singapore.

Till now, its been a great experience in here. Life is different as it was in Chennai during my Undergraduate studies.
Coming out of the airplane I got the embarkation card signed with immigration authority. Took my luggage around 45kg and came out to buy a sim-card which took hell lot of my time. Finally decided and took M1 as it seemed cheaper. Had planned to take MRT directly but then it was little confusing and after all the tiring late night journey, took a cab. He was good. He drove at constant speed of 100km/hr. He didn't talk or asked anything and I was also busy seeing outside my cab window.
Beautiful roads, pathway, lots of trees and bushes with flowers making it look like a dream place. I had seen such places only in movies and seeing them in reality was really a good moment.
Reached my house I had booked. Met the owners and her kids who call me "uncle". LOL.
After breakfast and lunch given by my owner, went for shopping of daily needs.
Came back, went to canteen @NTU for dinner, returned and then talked with parents on skype and dozed off.
Woke up early next day, went for medical and got it done. Clicked little bit pics and roamed the market ahead of my house.
Akhil, my roomie came in next day. So, finally the boredom ended. It had been really boring eating alone and walking all the way to bus stop with earphone in ears. 
So, it was all good then. Exploring the NTU, surrounding, eating at different canteens, etc.
Went to meet a bhaiya @Jcube and had a pizza treat from him. He was really nice. Thankq bhaiya.
Also went to meet Anjali bua who lives quite far but going there to meet her and phuphaji and their kids was really awesome.
Bought new cycle three days ago. So, no more walking 1km for shuttle bus.
The weather is unpredictable in here. In morning it will be sunny then suddenly clouds will pop in and it will start raining. Evenings are wonderful as cool breeze of air is always there. 
Here in Singapore,The BEST thing is I am having meals all the three times. lol. Even though I have to cycle two kms till the canteen, Still I go everyday at lunch and dinner and eat stomach full ;) So, I am happy regarding this. Looking forward to be more fit. Good thing is I can get good veg food. :)
Yet to explore Singapore and go to different places. Hope to do that soon before course starts.
Yes, I miss my family - parents, sis, jiju, baba and dadi but yeah I prevent not to think.
Life is busy in here. Mostly chinese people in here. I do see some Indians too but when u start comparing, the ratio is less. 

Here, people drive cars that I used to drive in Need for Speed Games n all.. LOL
I hope I stay happy and energetic as I am right now for the rest of the time. Looking forward for the course to start. Will be competitive and interesting.
At least the experience is good till now, doing everything myself. Life is tough and it has just got tougher.
Challenge Accepted !! 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

My First Duet Song

So, I have written a duet song and made its tune too. The first para will be in a male voice and second one in a female voice.
As the audio isn't ready yet, the lyrics are as follows:

Lamha Lamha sochta hun kab tu paas aegi,
Kab meri is chahat ko tu seene se lagaegi,
Meri yaadon mei tu samayi,
Har sapno mei tu jo ayi,
Meri dhadhkane jo badhai,
Bass ek baar abb kehde jana,
Pyaar hai mujhse, pyaar kia hai,
Mujhpar teri jaan kurban hai haan.. kehde na..
Pyaar hai mujhse...

Kaise abb mai usko kehdun, mujhko use pyaar hai,
Meri har dhadhkanon mei uska hi khayal hai,
Meri saanso mei jo samaya,
Har vakt jo nazar aya,
Meri ummeed jo jagaya,
Vo tu hi hai, o mere jana,
Pyaar hai tujhse, pyaar hua hai,
Tujhpar meri jaan kurban hai haan... kehti hun..
Pyaar hai tujhse....

Kehde na Pyaar hai mujhse..
Kehti hi hun, Pyaar hai tujhse..

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I got Best Outgoing Student Award

I was awarded with the TCS Best Outgoing Student Award ( TCS Best-100 ) on 2nd March, 2012.
I might be appearing too much happy regarding this but yeah it was like a dream come true when the Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Dean Placement and the Director of E&T spoke about me, applauding and acknowledging my hard work of four years in the auditorium.
I always wanted a gold medal. I wanted to achieve what my dad did. Wanted to make him proud. I had dreamed about getting it during convocation but didn't knew I will get one so soon. So yeah that's why it is so special.
I hope I did make u proud dad. I love you. and I love my mom for worrying about me so much everyday. Thanks for having faith in me and motivating me always.
Love my elder sis whose speech I still remember when I didn't perform well in the SRM entrance exam. I think your speech brought a change in me ;)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This is how it goes.

It actually ache in places that you didn't know you had inside you.
It doesnt matter how many new hairstyle you get or gyms you join,
or how many cups of coffee you drink or dinners you have,
you still  go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood.
and how the hell in that brief moment you could think that you were happy.
Sometimes you can even convince yourself that he/she will see the light and show up at your door
and after all that however long "all that" may be..
you 'll go somewhere new and you 'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again
and little pieces of your soul will finally come back,
and all that fuzzy stuff , those months of your life that you wasted..
will eventualy begin to fade.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Small Thank you note for my College friends

When I came to this college for selecting a branch for my engineering, I had no idea about ICE. I just took it as no other good option was available. After 4 years, I feel happy to have chosen this branch. Yeah, now I love the course but apart from this the main reason is I made lots of good friends.
I never knew I would become a topper in the 1st semester and semesters after that when I was nearly no one in my school life. But then i guess, after 1st semester, nearly all of my class mates started to know and understand me better.

I am happy to have made pretty sisters in these four years: Soumee ( Chotee), Trisha ( Didi), Veena ( Chamgu), Maneeta( Sukhee) and Aiswarya( Su..Su..). You people understand me like no one else, have been there for me whenever I have felt low. I will really miss the raksha bandhan celebrations we had at the temple. You never made me feel the absence of my own sister on rashka bandhan.
Shall never forget my room mates: Jerry ( Ashiq, Chirkut, Chuha), Jitender ( Dakaar Singh), Prajesh ( Golu) , Abhishek ( Paagla) and Mallick. Thanks for all the patience you had to understand my nature and accept me the way I am and all the hospital trips I troubled you all with. Thanks Jerry for everything since first semester.
How can I miss my best friend: Swapnil ( Ma) for all the gossips and talks on everything and everything else. lol. I shall miss you yaar, a lott.
My AOE, RON, COD, NFS, Quake3,Unreal Tournament friends: Abhyank (Horde), Ranajay (Byakua), Aadithya and Sahil. Thanx for all the late night fun we had with all the shouting and teaming up for alliances. Loved playing on LAN everytime with you guys. My Fifa and Split Second friends, Prajesh , Vignesh and Abhishek for almost playing fifa and split Second everytime in 3rd year when we got nothing to do. Also, my Poker friends, Kuber, Mallick, Jerry and Barathwaj for introducing this in last
My project team mates: Preetham and others already named. But, thanx preetham for all the new ideas you came up with during the course of our project.
My other good friends: whole of ICE-B class mates for everything. Right from teasing me for being a nerd, geek to the care you all shown when I needed it the most. We were the best group of 60 students. You are all special to me, everyone of you in your own little ways. From ICE-A, Adnan, Aamir, Kuber, Barathwaj and Harini for being there whenever I needed you.
Last but not the least special thanks to all the juniors for the wonderful farewell. I wish I had known u all before. 

Its difficult to express how much I will miss these four years. Right from visiting different malls to beaches, from zoo to movie theaters, from  making diagrams and taking seminars in the class to hooting and jumping on the benches, from jumping off the train last semester, to visiting hospital for not eating properly, from sleeping 15 hours or more continuously, to just sleeping 1 or 2 hours before a cycle test or semester exam.

There are so many phases in my college life that has made me either a lot happy or a lot sad but I guess its needed in everyone's life as you grow. I enjoyed my college life a lot and a lot more. Happy to have made such wonderful friends. Thanks again for making my college life so wonderful. I shall stay in touch with you all. I hope you all shall too.